Friday, September 16, 2011

Stop The H8!

September 15, 2011 13:00 ET

Rally Supporting Gay/Straight Alliances Attracts Attention and Support

Rick Mercer Comes Out In Support Of GSA's
TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Sept. 15, 2011) - The Canadian Secular Alliance rally at Queen's Park this Sunday to support gay/straight alliances in publicly funded Catholic schools has received endorsements from comedians Rick Mercer, Gavin Crawford, and Elvira Kurt.

"This rally is about supporting the rights of students," says spokesperson Kevin Smith. "It is not anti-religious." Some groups were discouraged from attending after making statements deriding religious groups.

A broad spectrum of guest speakers will discuss related issues, including ending tax privileges afforded to separate school systems in Ontario, and provincial educational equity policies that favour religious dogma.

"In addition to the violation of human rights, the province cannot afford over $500 million every year to fund a separate school system for a single religious group," Smith says.

The rally takes place from 1:30 to 3:30 PM at Queen's Park on Sunday, September 18.

"Some groups were discouraged from attending..."(photo: Andrea Houston) © PETE DAKO , 2011   The Official Website"

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